I've read that through, Lonnie, and it certainly puts one side of the story. But it doesn't seem to me to answer the charge of 'disproportionate response', which is one all too often levelled at Israeli military action. For instance, have a look at this estimate of Gaza casualties:
No doubt the figures can never be accurate, but taking the B'Tselem figures (they're an Israeli group), it's Palestinians 1385, Israelis 13 - that's 100 to 1, which is pretty shocking. After the assassination of Heydrich the Nazis killed 192 people from Lidice, the village one of the assassins apparently came from; and that remains a landmark atrocity. And yet the proportion of the death tolls I quoted above are not so very far removed. The Israelis can protest all they want about crowbars, but they won't be able to overcome people's instant reaction that they simply didn't need to go in and shoot protesters.