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Before i get told off . . . .

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mollykins | 18:49 Tue 01st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
. . . . . for not replying to anyone that posted in the last few minutes, until tomorrow, good bye.


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Bye Molly
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oops sorry caps lock !
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Can I ask what the unanswered question was?
it's been so long ago jo...actually helen hasn't got any answers, mine were menial but were always unanswered
Goodnight and good for you m'dear whoever you are... Life is clearly too short!
Wuhoo, Thank God!
Bye :)
So who will you be signing in as for this evening???
Hi suezy! Who's going to sign in as whom?
Byeee ... you crazy kid : )
If you enter in to any of her threads suezy you have only yourself to blame...Try not to be led, it's not a becomming look on anyone on here.
Trying China but it's hard...
Hiya Lardy, I meant Molly signing in as someone else
It's really not... Just don't read posts by Lisa Simpson. Job done!
China, when I do go into her posts, I do tend to give her advice which is ignored, it's not just my advice it's several other peoples advice which is ignored too which leads to people getting somewhat agitated, then when another post comes up the same thing happens again..
I'm not going to apologise for expressing my opinion, as Greedyfly said before on a previous thread concerning Molly

"I am more than sure that Mollykins and pretty much everyone else on this site can give just as much as they give and if not maybe a forum isn't the place to be"
No doubt but if it bothers you then why give your opinion at all? Or is it just because that's where everyone else is posting? It's not a crack at you, just a trend I'm noticing... A trend I don't blame molly for is all ;0)
When I first start coming on here properly I noticed people used to take the mick with her slightly, I felt sorry for her and gave her decent, honest and sympathetic advice but it fell on deaf ears and was constantly met with a response which rendered your advice useless and when you came back with another suggestion she does the same.

It wears thin with me (any a few others i would imagine) however I do think with me it's just curiousity when she posts that I have a look then I give a suggestion and it's ignored, granted I will admit I have gotten caught up with the having a laugh on her threads when they go off on a tangent but I'm not the only one..

She brings a lot of it on herself by being so unreceptive to peoples advice.
Why ask for advice if you are not willing to take it on board?

I'm not having a go at you either, I just think people get quite protective of her (which I understand)and get a bit put out with people who question her and such when they have reason to question her when she just throws suggestions and advice back in peoples faces in an ungrateful know it all already fashion.

Deep breath :)
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I often do pay attentino to people advice but i get so mny responses its impossible to properly reply to them all, thanks for all you've said suezy . . .and anyone else thats given good advice. xx molly.
Guys ...
I give Molly the benefit of the doubt. She has wronged no-one here.
She's 16-ish .. and a breath of fresh air sometimes.

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Before i get told off . . . .

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