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Bobbisox | 12:56 Wed 02nd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
just thought I would tell you about my latest ipod download, it is the RAF Squadronaires, it's brilliant listening, makes Bill all proud, LOL and it's totally legit...I payed for it!

Bobbi ♥


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Squadron leader Bobbisox are you still marching ! :-))
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just popped in for a glass of iced water red, it's sure is hot out
but listening to it x
We'll have to rub you down with Doc leaves after all this Sun Bobbi. Your Bill will think he's married to an illegal immigrant ! :-)))))
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yep, he's up the road looking after Ben and playing footie and stuff, fit bloke for 69 eh?
Good for him Bobbi and I'm pleased that you make a fine couple as I know you're happy.
Age is but a number and it's ones Health that counts in the end.
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ha-ha thanks red, I think I should go back out in the garden as vibes thinks I am jealous of the attention young Molly gets

Wonder if molly will still be posting on here when she becomes a Senior Citizen !
We will all have died of a Brain storm by then......Ha Ha
Question Author
we'll be pushing up daisies then
No More Molly from now on
Mollygate is gone


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