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Afternoon All

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supersuezy24 | 15:20 Wed 02nd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
48 Answers

Just wanted to say hello and how are you all?
What are you all having for dinner today?
I'm making spag bol (I stupidly chopped a red pepper whilst wearing a white shirt- very clever)
Bit of a dodgy start to my day cause the ex was on my mind and I ended up in tears..
How has your day been so far??xx


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Main reason you keep away, is that you know you couldn't handle us. Back-ache would be the least of your problems!
nah main reason i keep away is the army boys, much fitter.......
Can't really argue with that. Yep, they are much more physically fit. Shame they can't tie their shoelaces with help. If they'd tried harder at school they could've joined the RAF like me
why would i be interested in their minds?
Not so much their minds sweetheart, but the ability to undo a bra without instructions is always a bonus, you have to agree!
as long as they can take instruction
Wouldn't you rather they already knew what to do though?
depends on how fit they are...

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Afternoon All

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