Has anyone downloaded this? If you haven't then do. It will give you hours of fun. Type in your address and you can zoom right into a picture of your house from space. My question is what is the difference between the free version and the pro version ($400) I downloaded both (you get a 7 day free trial) and they seem to be the same. Are they pretty much?
I heard their coverage for the UK isn't so great at the moment, with the really detailed overview (with 3D buildings) being limited to major cities only. Any truth in that?
Agree with Obonio, you can get the terrain in Wales and the street address being displayed, but a very blurred image - contrast this to New York for example and you can zoom in on cars to the extent that you can almost see their number plates :-)
has anybody seen the nasa World wind yet ? that is similar it can only come down to 10 Km though but there is a comuty that is supporting it and although nasa has got as far as ver 1.31.1 rthe open source team have taken it to 1.3.2 and that has solved some problems. as there is a hoard of users making progress on it it should get much better as time goes by