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Desert Island

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moonraker558 | 13:52 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Who would you like to get down and naked with?


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My boyfriend will do.
err how many can we choose?
No Mercy (like you didn't see that coming), failing that I can always can do with a laugh so i'd go for fluffy
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well Desert Island Orgy sounds better than Desert Island Disc I suppose fluff ;o)
I dont think there's anyone I could stand being stranded with. They would all drive me mad after a week!
Arsenal ladies football team. They might teach me the off-side rule.
Denzel Washington!
Vibes you and Redman always make me smile with the things you both say. :-)
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oi vibes ray mears is mine and you know it
"failing that you could do with a laugh" you should be so lucky


ray mears
paul walker
kelly brook
jared leto
big hairy french rugby player whose name i can;t remember(sorry china i got here first)
angelina jolie - if she puts the weight back on
sean connery
eric - from true blood

i think that will do for now
RAY MEARS????????

Please say thats for survival tips and not 'cos you want to jump his bones
both, i find him quite sexy in a weird sorta way
You are so disturbed!!!!!
well obviously i count you as a mate....

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Desert Island

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