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The Positive Thread

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bobjugs12 | 20:29 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
No tension, arguments, squabbles, suspicions or anything else negative allowed.

Let the love flow........


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thanks both x

he has some sort of op overnight, and has slept most of today. anyway, back to positive stuff :o)
No- sod off.
Why don't you say what you really feel Boo? ;-)
sorry about the 'h' ^ sara.
rofl, sorry Lardy.

I think im allergic to all this tree hugging, yoghurt plaiting love fest thingys. They make me come out in hives.
Question Author
Boo, go to the other thread then. You'll fit in well
thank you, ttfn ;o) x
I've just been watching springwatch with all the cute little animals aaaah I've decided I'd like to be the filling in a sandwich between martin Hughes Games and Kate Humble Can't make up my mind tonight....and more cute animals and baby birdies, ... There may be another version on your other thread...

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