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Can we all live in harmony?

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Greedyfly | 23:57 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Or at least give it a try.... Being civil doesn't really hurt!

Come on guys.... Share the love...


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I'm up for that greedyfly but now I'm worrying if I'm been deemed as trying too hard :(
Anyways,,,I'm all up for being civil Greedy:) xx
Hi greedy, the concept seems good but human nature is a different
I am just happy to live at the moment - life is way too short (:-))
It's been ok on here tonight hasn't it? Mind I never notice owt do I?
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We all have something in common though. We like to visit Answerbank, some may visit for other reasons but in general I think we mostly like being here. One thing in common is surely enough to help us be nice to each other.
Roger Glover - The Butterfly Ball
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all together now!

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Can we all live in harmony?

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