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Fao Bobjugs.

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NoMercy | 11:34 Fri 04th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Thanks for the email hun.

That was... ahem... the best one yet.



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Ahhhh rowan. Have you got a spells to calm an amourous mood??
Lol no ill be alright nomercy, im just getting a funny mental picture of sqad sitting on a high stool reading this to us as we all sit on the floor around him and listen in anticipation like schoolkids! Answerbanknory!
NoM, so what if we heat up the cold shower.......
Here bob and nomercy, here's a gift for your shower. http://www.dailingfor...aped_shower_brush.jpg
roman....I don't and will not apologise for my literary talents.

"The kissing became even more passionate as their tongues sought for even deeper pleasures hitherto unknown to either of them"
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My soup has just gone down the wrong way... :-(
Aha !
Apparently, it's part of a Peter Sellars comedy routine.............

But I think you're making up the subsequent parts yourself !! :o)
Sqad what you need to do is jump straight to the last page before the end of the chapter where I hear all the juicy stuff is usually found.
//NoM couldn't contain herself any longer as she exploded and shouted loudly.."Eee Chuck, uv' left me in a right state"//

Classy is our NoM.
No calming spell, I think you are doing just fine, carry on the world is watching... was on a Peter Sellers LP in the 50's with also:

1) Balham..Gateway to the South
2) The Politican

Many others that I have forgotten.
Thanks, Sqad. :o)

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Fao Bobjugs.

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