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The why are you on the computer and not outside enjoying yourself thread (Thanks ll)

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bigfoot3000 | 19:13 Fri 04th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
as I've said Me I'm stuck at home because I have work in the morning so any plan of a wild weekend is firmly and thoroughly out the window!

And your beautiful selves????


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I'm sitting here with a cuppa after having done a load of food shopping. Mr LL not due back until about 9.00pm and I just can't be bothered to do anything. Dog is sitting here asking to be fed!!
Hey bigfoot!
I am at my mums waiting for my dinner, and I am starving! Heading to Legoland Windsor tomorrow though so will make up for it then!
and anyway, I've got to be a real home bird in my old age and certainly prefer being at home with a bottle of wine to going out. Did go out last night though!!
the trots
Got a stinky virus, cough cough cough and nothing on the tellie ... BGT in a minute although I dont hold out much hope after last night ... cough cough ..
I went out to work 9 - 5 today for the first time in a long time - so im just chilling in a quiet house
Just waiting for a message to say a mate is home then off out for a fun evening, errrr, fixing their laptop!
Question Author
Lol, let us unite and celebrate the lack of a life this friday night! There will be other weekends!
just had a cloud burst over droylsden
i have been up since 3.30 this am and cant be arsed going out.

im just chilling with you folks and listening to Rascal Flatts on you tube.
i'm just chillin listning to some hawkwind and puffing on a rastafarian woodbine, before going oot for some beers
I've been at work all day, shot home or tea, taken my son into work and now relaxing til i have to fetch him home about 1.30, working 9am and so not havibng a drink tonight but i;m off all next week yayyyy
We are all keeping each other company :)
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Feel the love smurfchops, Its overwhelming and beautiful! We don't need loud music filled venues that serve gallon after gallon of glorious alcohol and have members of the other sex scantily dressed and wanted to know you, to have a good time! Do we? Well i do, IM OFF! (Bigfoot jumps out of first floor window and legs it to the pub, not realizing he still wearing socks and sandals and unusually tight shorts which he will be questioned about by his peers and the bouncers)
Ive been out all day -garden is worthy of crufts ;)

I have a really tough fortnight coming up so im not too fussed with the sun ATM -2 whole weeks at our home in Spain-yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I came in from work (About 3:30 p.m.) and put the Cricket on. Then I watched the UK Open Darts at 7:00 p.m. and now I'm watching the Rugby League and downloading (Legally) an album from
A brilliant recent comment by bigfoot.......
I'm staying in tonight, I'm in a totally different world when I'm on my PC chatting to nice people like the avatar bigfoot. A nice big smiley!!!

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