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I've just soiled my pants....

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bobjugs12 | 22:31 Sat 05th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Someone's just let off a load of fireworks near here.
I wonder how much longer loud bangs are gonna make me jump like this??


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the answer lies in the soil
Wasn't that just a sonic boom - there is a lot of turdulence up there tonight
we had balloins in work today for a book launch and one popped and i nearly dropped on the floor, but in your case you need to let your bosses know your reaction, it may help with any future issues if things don't settle for you
Good job Alf's not there. He'd hide under the bed. :-(
Yahoo's back on.
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Dot, it's normal for all of us lol.
Basra in 07 we were getting hit with 15 rocket attacks a day and in Kandahr in 06 I got back at the begining of November (just in time for Bonfire Night). It's nothing sinister or anything to worry about, just I find it comical when it makes me jump.
Well done NM!! Glad to have your problem sorted....
I don't agree, we walked amongst the lads when they came back from ascension and many shrugged it off for the first few months. (and they were only support)
bobjugs - sounds as if you have a high startle reflex. Its bound to happen after the job that you did. The mind may forget but the body does not....

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I've just soiled my pants....

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