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noM - thats one sexy shoe!

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looobylooo | 23:34 Sun 06th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
its rather lovely i must say.. yes, verry sexxy indeed.

i bet ol bobs heart races every time he catches sight :o)

can i ask - does such beautiful foot wear grace your wardrobe shelves .. or even better your feet :o)


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Hi Looby... sorry I missed your question.

I can't honestly remember if it's a Zanotti or a Louboutin, but no, I don't own such a shoe. I used to have a terrific collection of rather awesome shoes, but the collection has dwindled over the years.
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you do well if you can walk in that height heel anyway nom lol, id be going a over t if it were me.

with the feathers and all, a very beautiful shoe it is - just wanted to say :o)

hope youre settling in ok and getting yourself sorted.

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noM - thats one sexy shoe!

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