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In the office.... all on my own....

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wiggal | 13:09 Mon 07th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
And I am bored and lonely!

Please someone save me!!

How are we all today? Good I hope! :-)


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That sounded really random - When I say 10 of us in one area, that is all that is left in the building!

And most of the furniture has gone too which makes it pretty eery at times! :-/
Is your Company closing down wiggal, bad news if it means redundancy.......
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Hey redman, yea, we went into administration last October, 6,500 staff made redundant, I am one of the 10 left so pretty lucky really. Although I only have a job left till end of June, maybe longer.

We are working with the administrators winding things up basically :-(
Can sympathise wiggal as it happened to me in the past. Good luck finding another job......
not my office, I'm filling in, about 17ft by 15ft
well at least you won't echo in there 4get. sounds rotten for you wiggal - is there any improvement in jobs vacant where you live
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Thanks redman. Although something good has come out of it... I moved to a different department in January to work with them as IT were no longer needed.. and ended up meeting my new partner, who was actually my boss in the new department!

He was made redundant last week :-( so he has abandoned me, but luckily he started his new job today.
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It is at times ttfn! Can be very depressing, but we try and have a laugh. We have to or else I think we would cry!

I havent really started looking for anything yet, I'm not sure what I want to do!
I studied animal care at college, then went to work in finance, and then got the job in IT I was after.
So looking either animal care or IT hopefully, or may go back to college. I'm still only 23 so can use this situation to kind of do whatever I want, even though I dont know what that is yet!
I think you would do well to definitely start looking/applying for jobs now wiggal - it isn't long until end of the month and some income is better than none. Nothing to stop you choosing your career path once you are in a paid job is there?
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That is very true ttfn, although it has been made pretty difficult for most people to look for work because of the situation.

Since January it has been very much you may be made redundant at the end of the month, however you may be needed longer and so on, so with no idea of a start date, it kinds of limits things! I may still be here in August, which would be what I would like, but then I also consider myself to be extremely lucky to still be here now, and not made redundant with no warning like all the other people who went when we first went under!
I can see your predicament there - difficult to know which way to go. But I still think you should keep your eyes peeled - wouldn't want you to miss an ideal opportunity. Wish you all the best with it wiggal

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In the office.... all on my own....

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