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F.A.B.- Thunderbireds

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fishbait | 12:41 Fri 19th Aug 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
7 Answers

Hi something a little lighter after all that french homework Phew!!!!

Watching classic thunderbirds on ch2, due to being underworked and overpayed!! What does FAB stand for!! I

Many thanks go quizmonster



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In London it's Funderbirds Are Brilliant
Absolutely correct QM. However as a lifelong fan of Gerry Anderson it always strikes me as odd that in T'birds it stands for nothing, but in the immediately previous series (Stingray) PWOR stood for Proceeding With Orders Received and in the following series (Cpt Scarlet) SIG (or R) stood for Spectrum Is Green (or Red).
Quite, Sdd, but - given that FAB represented an acknowledgement of instructions...'Roger' sort of thing - what might the letters have stood for if they had been an acronym? How about 'Following advised briefing', perhaps?
Gerry Anderson always maintained it didn't stand for anything (as noted above), but once refered to "Fully Acknowledged Brother" in a Radio 4 interview. 
Ah, but that wouldn't make sense when said by Jeff, Lady P or TinTin, or Brains.

If TinTin was around, it stood for 'F*****g Amazing Baps!!"

(Sorry, s'pose someone was bound to lower the tone....)

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F.A.B.- Thunderbireds

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