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i am going to the theatre tonight

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slinky.kate | 17:02 Mon 07th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
to see 'the woman in black' any one seen it,is it scarey???


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I've seen it twice and the first time it made me jump. Not sure I'd call it scary though. It's very good.
Yep - 3 times and yep I found it quite chilling
Yes. Creepy!
Where are your seats ?
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i am treating my sons 22 year old girlfriend to a night out,(i dont like the pub) it is part of her birthday present
never heard of it, is it about angelina jolie?
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pericat its in the theatre royal in glasgow seats L 19 and 20 so i'm not to far back
I really enjoyed it - who's in it - anybody we'd know. I saw it twice in Dublin and once in the fortune theatre in London
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robert demmeger is starring
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^ demeger.
Enjoy it - let's know what you think and remember to have eyes in the back of your head
Peri - is that so she can be first at the ice cream queue ?
Well of course den !
i saw it in london sitting next to my mum. We were really high up and she nearly fell over the balcony when the surprise was revealed
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well i enjoyed my play,a few jumpy bits,not too scary

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i am going to the theatre tonight

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