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Minnie Riperton...

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Bbbananas | 10:49 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Lovin' You...... love it.
Especially the high pitched 'la la la la la..... ooh ooh ooh wooo.' whatever.

But also love hearing it cos it reminds me of my nanna woodie who we nicknamed Minnie Riperton. She had the same tight perm and used to try and sing the song and make a right hash of it.... but Lil and I joined in nonetheless, and more than likely all ended up wee'ing ourselves laughing.

Ah, memories.


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Such a high pitched voice she had!

Brilliant singer who died young.
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Maybe you're too young JJ?!
Salla - I remember dancing around my handbag to this song, many moons ago at the disco.
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I think it was 1974 or 75.
It's just been on Radio 2 - I think I've perforated Bren's eardrums with my rendition.... I always love to hear it.

(Strange song to dance to though.....?)
Salla, I just saw the title of your thread in Latest Posts and it set me off singing in a high squeaky voice, "Looooovvvving youuuu is easy................................. oooooh ooooh but it's wonderful....................ooooooh"

Especially strange dancing round a handbag to it Den ;o)!!

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