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more teachers on gacebook

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mollykins | 07:23 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Can anyone give a suggestion why, facebook is now suggesting i'm freinds with nearly every teacher at my high school before a few days ago I didn't even know which teachers had it.

I'm ignoring the suggestions, but why, all of a sudden are they popping up?


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Because some of the people you're friends with are friends with some teachers.
Question Author
Yeah but some it says they are mutual friends and others don't. . . .toodles for now
LOL It's Vicky Pollard...... Yeah but no but yeah but no but...

(It's also because you have probably put what school you go to and they have put they work at that school)
You're a popular gal, Molly. :-)
Question Author
And yes i meant facebook not gacebook i only just noticed.
what's wrong with gacebook? lots of ventriloquists are on that along with their gottles of geer

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more teachers on gacebook

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