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Well, I don't know about everyone else...

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Kim A | 15:27 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
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neither do i, Kim

ps, I shall have the fish with cheese sauce please :)
Me neither... I think they're all weirdos....
CD may I say how foxy you're looking today............
is that real cream in them there butterfly cakes?
nom nom nom
Question Author
It's a little whipped confection of my own devising, actually. A simple basic cupcake frosting (icing sugar, butter, little milk),with the addition of a spot of Greek yoghurt - just a tiny bit of acidity, to balance the sweetness of the home-made strawberry jam underneath. Thank you for asking...
Can we all have some please? There are a few birthdays coming up =)
Well this is what losing your make up bag and straighteners will do to a gal craft...

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Well, I don't know about everyone else...

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