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Well, I don't know about everyone else...

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Kim A | 15:30 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
but I'm off out in search of some fatted calf. If I get time, I'm calling in at the Manna shop, then I thought I'd see what the Milk and Honey dealer has in stock today...


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sounds very merciasounds..
Question Author
Moi? How very dare you, Sir?
well i shall be perusing the menu at the local chippy :)

Theres been too much talk of chips today
Question Author
Well, I'd not spend my money anywhere where the chips hadn't been hand-cut.
Think we're doing the same Red...but I'll just have enough for a chip butty.

Suppose to be going to visit a freind and her new baby.
ummmm, watch out, remember yesterdays list lol
lol....I know.

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Well, I don't know about everyone else...

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