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I could do with some advice

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petsan | 14:45 Thu 28th Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
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Can any one help me? Me and my husband dont have many arguments but when we do they almost always are to do with his sister.  His sister once said some very hurtfull and nasty things to me. This was a couple of years ago now, so for my husbands sake I have tried to put them to the back of my head. We still go to see them and they come to ours and I can just about cope with that. But a few days ago my hubby came home and mentioned about going away with them, but when I said I dont think I would like it, he hit the roof saying that I have a problem with his family. His sister drinks alot and swears alot and dont think I could stand being with her for longer than odd evening we spend together. He hasnt spoken to me know for a few days now and I think this is going to split us up. I sometimes think that I married his sister and not just him. 



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Just talk it over with him. You may be able to find a happy medium or something but I'm not the best person to ask really.

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I could do with some advice

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