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Evening Everyone..

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supersuezy24 | 21:02 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
92 Answers
How was your day? Did you do anything nice?

Bit of a happy and sad day for me, was texting the ex for a while which was bittersweet then went to see Sex and the City 2 with my friend then on the way home was in floods of tears in her emotional day to say the least..And I now you will all kill me especially joggerjayne but I miss him so much, would love a hug right now.

Hope you are all well?xxx



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What's gone dodgy suezy - have you been crying? My daughter asked after you when she phoned tonight
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That's lovely Lardy, give her my best wishes and thanks when she rings next xx
Nothing happened, I just keep thinking about him and good times in the past and I'm getting teary..I'm a mess
Oh dear - have us lot set you off? You seemed better when you came on earlier
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No noone on here at all, I was just thinking of the good times..I cannot stop thinking about him..Damn tears!!
My daughter said it always made it worse if she spoke to him, almost like it sets the pain-ometer off again. You have to remember why you broke up in the first place and put it into perspective if possible
wise word lardy - take note suezy (;-))
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But I didn't want to break up, he did :(
if he broke up with you stop txting him. I know its hard but delete his number.
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I know it by heart though 4get..I'm sorry for all this..
And has he ever told you why sueze?
Because something clearly wasn't working for him (whatever it was) and he may genuinely not have wanted to hurt you and being a bloke, couldn't fix it.
Oh dear, yer that was a problem for me too, why we were on and off for a year. lol.
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He did tell me Lardy and noones fault really ...still upsetting though, i'll fill you in on email sometime maybe? He's very stubborn though:(

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Evening Everyone..

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