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Reverse Psychology-Call Centres-Try it !!

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Dris | 13:47 Wed 09th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
Five minutes ago.
Call Centre-Hello can i talk to Mrs ............?
Me- Yes that me. How can i help you?
Call Centre -Is that Mrs ................i'm talking with?
Me -Yes this is she what can i do to help you?
Call Centre -Why are you being so rude -you dont normally talk like that (true as it happens) dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!

Result !!!!!!!!


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Yes sort your Final starting XI vibes before the Kick Off !
Vibes, Started off as Customer Services section, ended up a a call centre where customer service didn't matter. What seemed to matter was how many calls you got through and getting rid of customers asap. The amount of knowledge we needed was quite overwhelming and kept changing. I found it exhausting, but the pay was good and we got free food. Getting too old I suppose!! I need a nice quiet, steady life these days ;o)
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I keep getting automated calls telling me I can wipe all my debts off. I've registered with the TPS to try and stop the calls, but so far it hasn't worked.

Does anyone else get this type of call? Since moving to my new address three months ago, I reckon I've had over a dozen.
I usually enthuse about their product, say I would love it but that the landlord won't pay for anything. always works for me and everything is pleasant - they can't put the phone done quick enough, I just don't tell my mortgage lender!
i have about one a month along those lines mrs c.
if only it were so easy....?
Mrs Chappie. The TPS as yet can't stop you getting calls from abroad unfortunately and most of these automated calls come from overseas. One day perhaps they will work out how to stop these as well.
Thanks Lottie.

Sal, do they drive you mad as well?
"I operate on the basis that my phone exists for my convenience and not anyone elses. Thus I never answer withheld numbers or odd looking numbers and only answer the numbers I know or am expecting. That way, I never really end up having to converse with anyone I don't want to. "

This is exactly how I think, just like Barmaid. ^^^
OH did something on line a few weeks back, an American guy rang us nearly every day when we were out at work "Hi this is ***, ring me back on this number" - clear off. I rang back and left a message on his answerphone saying we work irregular hours and his calls were becoming harassing. He hasn't called back since (ssh).
Mrs C. I read on here recently that if you get automated calls to press the # on your phone over and over again. It is supposed to confuse the system and your number gets deleted

Not sure if it works but the calls do hang up as soon as i press the #
When I used to get the calls, i just reversed the questions:

Me: hello.
Caller: hello is that Mrs x
Me: yes it is, can I just do a quick security check?
Caller eh umm...
Me: can you please give me your full name. date of birth, the fisrt line of your address and postcode?
Caller: Eh no, I can't give out that kind of information.
Me: okay, then what's your mother's maiden name?
Caller: oh, I can't tell you that either.
Me: well, if you wont tell me then I'm afraid I can't give you out any further information, byeeee!

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