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come on england.....

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stokemaveric | 19:34 Thu 10th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
for all the welsh,irish and scots who are listening ill say it again....COME ON ENGLAND.....LOL


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Thats Ok Stoke. I know how passionate you boys are about football. Some of the best support in the UK comes from Stoke, I've seen it down at Pompey many a time.
...was the town still intact when they left?
Bars in Toronto are being allowed to open at 10am rather than the usual 11am because of the time difference between SA and here. Although Canada does not have a team in the cup, there are large segments of Italian, German, Greek, and a few others living in the city, and they are all very vocal about their support. Yes, there are many England supporters too. There are many different flags, as I mentioned earlier, being driven around even in the smallish town I live in just outsideTO. Personally, I am not a sports fan at all; but, I hope the games go well and everyone enjoys them.........Cheers; Now I'm going to a pub owned by Italians:)
Millwall was the worst. I recall back in 85 when the game was cancelled down at Pompey so the Millwall fans stopped off at some random town halfway home (I think it was Haslemere) and smashed the town up. Stoke do have a handy firm but also alot of good decent fans who love football and love their team. West Brom ar the same.

Check this out Stoke;

sorry -skipped all the patriosm altho i sincerely wish England well.I just dont think they have the team to win it-thats coming from someone who is watching the World Cup as the spectacle as it should be..

My money i going on Argentina or Spain -it was Spain i laid my money on last time so maybe second time lucky.
Hamilton Accies would put them all to shame!
Just found out Scotland weren't invited to SA, will have to change my avatar.
I think Spain are a good shout this time. Awkward -try adopting the Brazilian flag.
That's better, hope USA are in it, couldn't find another flag.
Good choice Awkward. England play their opening match against the USA. TBH I think its going to be a bogey match and would be pleased to get a draw, beat the other 2 and go win the group on goal difference.
come on stoke where's your avatar? Guess how many England flags in mine?
i would rather come on Eileen

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come on england.....

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