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Another Botheration

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ttfn | 21:28 Thu 10th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Has anyone else had a few questions removed tonight - I am annoyed and need mollifying


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ttfn,. 2 of my answers were removed, are we not entitled to our opinion anymore????????
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I bet your g'kids are lovely
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We shall never know suezy dear ....................................
Wish you were ttfn, I loved her and miss her. xoxo
The thread was removed or is my pc just acting up?
They are little horrors ttfn... they listen to no one have minds of their own and drive me nuts....they are beautiful though, so I forgive them... You would love em..But I do need help during the summer when you feel up to it?
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brb - phone call
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Oh bless you toni x No it's not your p.c. suezy. I have no children mazie but I can imagine they are a handful! How long are the hols? lol - what bit of 'heart problem' have you yet to grasp mazie x
about 7 weeks (groan) I grasp it, my Mum has it ,she's 86 and going to live to be a 100 just to spite me...I do think you should share my little treaures xxx

or maybe wait until the holidays are over and then come and visit
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You're such a tease mazie - I never realised what I was letting myself in for here did I (;-))
No...right I'm off. Night and think about it x
How bizarre, prompted by this I looked and mine's gone up by 4 so it must have been the addiction thread, even weirder that some of you thought it had gone before it had!

Honestly it's getting like big brother (Orwell's version)
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Night mazie - sweet dreams and ttfn x
Yep Prudie - we have been Room 101'd alright!
I think you have been Mollified ttfn
does it hurt pet?
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Only as in an effalump being kicked by an ant Bobbi x
she will be back tomorrow no doubt
she makes me feel quite 'fick'

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