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ummm whos Jesus H Christ?

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Bobbisox | 20:30 Thu 10th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Whats the middle name?


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Our father, who art in Heaven
Harold by thy name

Why are you rolling on the floor laughing?

H is a representative of the word Saviour.
^That's his dad.
"Our father who art in heaven Harold be thy name"..........:o)
I've heard of Harry H Corbett.
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and I knew that because ?HC ?
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btw, I was not being disrespectful in anyway, I have never heard of it!
Hc is right. Could we have a bit more reverence on here please.

You wouldn't laugh at Mohammed, would you?
I might do, but I've never heard his routine............
lol jack... ;)
It comes from the abbreviation of the Greek phrase, "IHS" standing for, "Jesus, Son, Saviour". It is merely an extension of the oath, "Jesus Christ!". The H is a transliteration of the first letter of the Greek word for Son.
I nearly said....Jesus H Christ and holy Mary...but I held
Did the thread get removed ??
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Now I know who she is ummm

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ummm whos Jesus H Christ?

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