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Frisky Friday

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B00 | 10:04 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I don't follow the charts and stuff (I'm officially in old fart territory where music is concerned) but occasionally a new song that is released filters through to the Boo household and I play it to death. Well this is todays choice.

And yes, I know Kylie is probably not 'hip' enough for many folks, but you gotta admit, it's a catchy toooon!


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Wow Boo! You taking a big step! You feeling frisky today? :-)

How's the soon-to-be mama doing?
That's quite catchy BOO ! Not sure about stripping off though :-)
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She's fat and grumpy society- kind of like me now! lol

i think it's a great song Red- very catchy. And Pfft, if i looked like Kylie, i'd never get dressed again!
You will be a beauty to some people BOO as we all have different tastes :-)
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oh you smoothy Red. Behave, lol.
It's true you know BOO ! Beauty is also within.......
I'm always frisky on a Friday.
I'm just in the mood for a bit of Prince's "Cream..... Get on top". That's always one of my favourites, and a great one to do one's pelvic exercises to.

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Frisky Friday

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