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should big bro just be done say every 4 years? or just vanish altogether?

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joko | 01:49 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
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It should vanish altogether unless anyone can demonstrate satisfactorily any value that it adds to the nation's culture...
This is the last year of it joko,the plug has bin pulled...i think its had it's run
> i think its had it's run

I think it's had its run

it's = it has / is is

its = belonging to it
is is?
Good ol' mark. Up at half two and still correcting people. Now there's dedication! Mark for AB Ed!!!
Yeah but if you look at his post closely he has actually made a mistake of his own!!

"it's = it has / is is"

IS IS???????

Perhaps you meant "it is" Mark?

Disappear altogether,it's a long way past its sell-by date. Good riddance!
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i dont believe for one minute that this is the last we will see of it...the show was once massive...and i think they will try to bring it back time and time again...thats what i mean about every 4 years or something...would people then be more 'open' to it?
has its downfall just been over exposure?

my question its not really about whether or not you happen to like it.
I like it so I'd like to see it back but probably as you said every 4 years or so
-- answer removed --
hows things with you and your ex/boyfriend/lover now? Did you call him?
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hi 4get, we are kind of 'dating' and trying to sort it...just seeing if we can learn to work together a bit more i suppose...we'll see...thanks for asking x
Good its worth another try, just dont let him get back into old routine again. Get the relationship you want xx

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should big bro just be done say every 4 years? or just vanish altogether?

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