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Bloody Hell, does narf get intense in News, dunnit?

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Bobbisox | 13:01 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Not often I venture in there, but a debate is healthy, only when you listen to another's point of view without intimating they are "fick"


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Those were the days. If that daft b i n t battersby had left him alone she wouldn't have come close to breaking point...

Do you remember her posting as Winston and pretending it was her husband?
He has a tendency to 'go off on one' with me.
Does he? How nasty has he been?
do you know I still have emails from her but she sent them as thoigh she was 3 different people one having a go and 2 supporting, bloody wierd, I used Barmaids tracker the other week on one of her emails and it came from cardiff, wasn't being paranoid jst nosey about that email i was sent last month, anyway, I meant people had a pop at me cos i liked wardy not that i had had a go at him, I never would.
I knew what you meant.

that's why battersby threatened to slit my throat....pmsl.
I actually tracked it to a street lol so technology has caught up with her, imagine having that 4 years ago!
Very.................and not just about me.
He's also accused me of saying things which I haven't...........and attacks me for it.
So, he's either confused me with someone else, or using a false justification for doing so.
actually get the ed uses something similar.
I would say I'd stick up for you but I don't think you need my help. You've spent the last couple of days boyding
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Hi Steve, just seen this, it's mind blowing just how serious they take stuff over
What's "boyding" Ummm? Looked it up but it's not even in UrbanD.

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Bloody Hell, does narf get intense in News, dunnit?

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