Oh Im VERY English, And VERY proud of it. But the only time people in this country have the guts to fly an English flag is at a poxy football match. Even the hypocite Government are going to fly one over number 10!!! OUR country is being taken over by all nationalities. We are not allowed to be English anymore incase we offend some foriegner. If you are white, english and christian in this country you might as well give up. Yet the ONLY time anyone has the guts to stand up and say "WE ARE ENGLISH AND PROUD" is for a football tornament! Any other time everyone just sits back and lets our traditions, our way of life be pushed aside to suite Muslims and anyone else who ISNT English......... Im pi**ed off with seeing all these cheap meaningless red and white flags. All they mean these days is "Football!!" No longer are they something to be proud of. Oh and by the way, I dont like football!!