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Big Foot

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Champagne | 15:35 Wed 17th Aug 2005 | History
11 Answers

Whilst on holiday in Cornwall recently I spotted Bigfoot. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was him. I always thought that Bigfoot was native to North America. Is it possible that he's moved to the UK?

And another thing, is Bigfoot a relative of the Abominable Snowman?



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Abominable is actually an albino bigfoot !
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Okely dokely.
I'm spotting a common theme here, abducted by aliens, seen big foot, Loch Ness monster anyone?
were you holidaying with the Hendersons?
funny, I was chatting to Bigfoot only yesterday and he said he'd seen a woman he thought was the legendary Champagne. In fact he was on his way to Loch Ness for a holiday but had stopped off in the west country in hopes of picking up a puma.
Where in Cornwall? Just that I live here and many locals do resemble Bigfoot after a night out.... !!!
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Good point mattfox, it could've been one of the friendly yokels after a few largers. It would explain the incoherent grunts. He kinda looked big and hairy, like a big ape, and was swaying around a bit. A bit like my mad uncle Frank. Hmm... I wonder...

Big Foot was on holiday. He/she actually lives in Huddersfield. 

Scientifically speaking, Bigfoot could exist as an animal species.

Let me explain: We evolved from apes right so, why could Bigfoot?!? Many species evolved from a single starting point so he could exist.

However... Cornwall? Dunno whether thats the right place? However however it could be an English Bigfoot that evolved when America and England were joined during the Pangea faze. So now theres an American Bigfoot, an Antartic Bigfoot (the Albino Bigfoot/ Abominable Snowman) and an English Bigfoot.

Anyway. Champagne, do you know what cryptozoology is. Its the study of hidden animals, like Bigfoot. You should be a cryptozoologist!

Maybe too obvious, but does scrumpy have any involvement in what you think you saw?
Ianess - Scrumpy doesn't have that sort of effect... the little green men with the pink ties told me next Wednesday ...

- hic


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