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I have a Champers hangover...ouch!

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Bobbisox | 10:27 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
still in my dressing gown, p1shing down outside and I feel real poorlyyyyyyy


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< to treat with insolence, indignity, or contempt is also a part of personal "insults" and not just confined to your definition>

There are no sacred cows to revere on AB - I, however, concern myself with the written words before me, I do not, have not and will not make *personal attacks* i.e. attacks on or about the person........
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to answer Mr Sqad,
Of cause this was not my intention to go out and get bladderd..ha-ha
I am not a Champagne drinker and therefor , not used to it, that mixed with my usual tipple of vodka and coke, made for a happy day and night
nowt wrong with that?
Joy ♥
Im sure there are a lot of people who get carried away and get drunk, however I do know people in real life who's sole aim is to get drunk and feel they have only had a good night out when they have got hammered and thrown up or cannot remember getting home.

Of course I cannot comment as I dont drink
Hiya Bobbi, Hope you had a brilliant day and happy birthday to Bill :)
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awww no cazzz, this wasn't my aim at
talk about feeling bad,
our friend who live in Cyprus and are staying with their son, have not long ago, knocked on the door with a card for Bill...omg, I looked rough ha-ha
Has Wardy gone?
Looks like he'll have to find something else to do once he's returned from his 'spin in is Bentley'...............
He did use to liven things up....looks like I'll have to stick with answering Molly...!!
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was he saying really nice fings about me?
pmsl )p
I'm reading *that* post and resisting the urge to add my two'pennorth..........

ummmm- I'm surprised that he bothers manufacturing new names to join AB with when he obviously holds such contempt for those of us on here............!?!
Time for some (extra) meds and a lie down Sis x
he used to liven the place up at the expense of peoples feelings ummm, Im all for entertainment as long as its not abuse dressed up as entertainment which wardy is.

at least mollys stuff is not abusive, annoying yes, not abusive though

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I have a Champers hangover...ouch!

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