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It's June and in Dublin..

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supersuezy24 | 15:34 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
...It is absolutely lashing rain!!!!
You'd swear it was winter, It's crazy rain!!!

Hows the weather where you are??


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Tis persisting down in Lancs and I am cold!!
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My bad bigfoot, I thought you were replying to me. This weather is nasty :(
But on the plus side, I've just persuaded my brother to make his beautiful pasta bake. Happy days are here again!!
Well, I'm certainly glad that I cleared that up:)
Was ok all day until about an hour ago now its drizzly - Yorkshire!
I concur with beejay/ is a little wet here in Co Antrim...but that's ok cos i'm inside!!
And it's raining heavily here in west Yorkshire just got my washing in off the line. Its all liquid not a trace of sunshine stewey.
Hi suezy.

It wasn't persisting with rain earlier, but consistently falling, in the icy, frozen smoglands of the People's Republic of Teesside ( Middlesbrough ;-) ). Now, oop norf, "Light drizzle"
Just started chucking it down here in the Black Country.

Stewey where in Ontario are you?
I used to live in Toronto/Parry Sound and Barrie many moons ago.

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It's June and in Dublin..

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