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Men... how often

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NoMercy | 17:12 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
do you have a back, sack and crack?


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No men I know would admit to it!
ooh NM the doc is bored with me and my thread, he may not like
I have never met a man who does - like Boxy says though I am sure they wouldn't admit it to me.
I'm as bald as a Coot NoMercy ! I'm a tidy Gardener :-)
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That's why I've given him this thread, Bobs. I think he and Sqad often feel outnumbered on CB....
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I didn't really need to know that, Red. 'Twas a rhetorical question...

-- answer removed --
don't need one for my back.
but I thinks he's gone because of my sh1te NM...?
It's hard enough sometimes to get them to keep their under-arm hair in order, without trying to venture further down....
I've given the game away now NoM ! Ha Ha
i'm not sure about my crack, I will post a pic so you can let me know if it needs attention.
Don't however I like redman do keep a neatly trimmed hedge.
Bobbi don't fret about it, he'll be back, he's just on an off day. If doc didn't like that thread then all of us who've been posting on it are just as responsible, we like your thread!
Yul Brynner does not compare !!
no fretting..ha-ha
I like doc, even Molly is growing on me
I have gone saft in the
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I don't think it was your sh!te in particular, Bobbi. I think it was just the tedium that's suffused the chatter section recently...
it's always a bit quiet on Sunday afternoons tho'
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It's the Copa del Mundo effect...
ha-ha I s'pose x

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Men... how often

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