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Just wondering...

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eash | 17:46 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Do they still fly those little planes that have the message trailing on the back?


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they did yesterday in Blackpool it said 'marry me melissa' .My son was on the beach and saw it.
Not sure of melissa did though......
Yes I used it to propose to my girlfriend on friday, my wife wasn't too impressed about that.
Yes they do, it was one of those banners that got tangled in the tailplane which nearly killed Nigel Farage before the election.
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Oh right of course I'd forgotten about that boxtops.
There are a lot of them on the Costa del Sol during the summer tourist season, especially the weekends.
I know its my birthday next week, but you really dont have to eash, a new car will be just fine

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