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If you could just have the powerday to view into your future for just one day what day would that be

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bigfoot3000 | 14:37 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Maybe a childs wedding day, Or some other significant date?


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lol quite a bit i'll probably decide on the day
ttfn I fear that day will never come :-(
I wouldn't want to I don't think.
I know 4get but it doesn't stop my fervent wish for her
awww ttfn, that's a good day to transport back to
that poor woman will go to her grave , never knowing where her son has been buried by evil Hindley and her partner in crime x
I dot think even hindley could tell her
I think you are right there 4get, I hope she rots in Hell
my grandchild is due to be born in august, so a quick wee look at it in advance would be cool
why Steg, you can't send it
bobbles i get wee butterflies in my belly when i think about it, i don't often look forward to things but i'm getting that way with this........ i just want to welcome it to the clan
awww stegs thats lovely, I wish everyone well, let us know what the baby is and what name has been picked .
Bobbi x
cheers bobbles, i will

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If you could just have the powerday to view into your future for just one day what day would that be

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