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Ok all you dog and kid lovers Enough with the arguing already!

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bigfoot3000 | 17:35 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Those crazy scientists may have just come with a compromise ensuring no one gets left in the water.


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arguing BF
I didn't see any
they scientists must be barking mad
10/10 for effort - peacemaker (think I have spelling correct)
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Friendly debating then bobbi!
Steg things were starting to look wuff!
LOL BigFoot. However, my biggest phobia is animal heads on human bodies :o(. It freaks me out!!
i'm sure i once woke up next to dog-boy's sister
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Why thank you ttfn, does this involve payment in beer, hot chicks or barbequed food?
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The muppet show must've been like a horror film for you loftylottie!
Steg we've all been there :(
I'll give you 2 of those dear BF but you will have to look elsewhere for hot chicks
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Lol, ok ttfn!

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Ok all you dog and kid lovers Enough with the arguing already!

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