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He's watching the footie with the mute button on....

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Bobbisox | 21:14 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
What a shame, it has even got to him, says it's like a swarm of mozzies continually around you!
and I agree, do they stop for breath blowing those bloody things?

Bobbi x


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What footie?
Me too.
I want them banned Bobbi!
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Italy and Paraguay I think!
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it gets in your head
Use this as your screensaver bobbi!
I don't want them banned - I'd like to think that the time has long past where we feel able to tell an African country which parts of their culture are acceptable and which are not...
so am i that noise is annoying

will Mick Mcarthy be commentating on the next match?

agree mark, who are we to take a part of their culture away. I dont notice it when watching.
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oh yes BF I 'll be kind that bloody
I love the vuvuzelas.
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I don't care if I am in the minority then...ha-ha
I hate the sound
eweeeee !
Is that ... "has long passed" Mark ?

... or "is long past" ?
Question Author
ouch Mark...ha-ha JJ

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He's watching the footie with the mute button on....

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