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Dam Italians have equalised...humph!

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Bobbisox | 21:58 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I think I might be getting into this World Cup after


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I;m not, although I was impressed to see the Flag of St George's flying over Dover Castle tonight, rather than the usual Union flag.
Question Author
it flies all year round on our local church boxy, it's a wonder the council hasn't said something !
No football in our house!! Mr LL is not at all interested either!!
-- answer removed --
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lucky bugger
So the "Dam Italians" all work on the reservoir, or something ?

Are they different from the "damn Italians" ?

Am I being a pain in the butt tonight ?

he he


x x x

I'm glad that the Italians have scored. I've got to work with an Italian guy tomorrow and I hate to think what sort of mood he might have been in if his team had lost!
Question Author
you JJ,,,never ha-ha,
I think you are practising Markisms tho' lol
Question Author
they are moody buggers Buenchico
always falling down and stuff..ha-ha
I'd better stop, before anyone gets the hump, he he.


I'm relieved the Italians didn't get beaten (cos of the B/F).
Question Author
he Italian then JJ
good looking blokes I will say tho'
Damn, I've now lost my toy-boy!! Should have kept quiet.
He's half Italian, Mopsy.

I met him in a bar in Italy.
Question Author
where's he gone, has he dumped you already LL
No, he's found out there's a Mr LL :o(
Question Author
Oh hell, and is he going looking for him LL?
it's better this way dear...pmsl
I'm delighted the Italians equalised :)

Mmmmm Cannavaro :)

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Dam Italians have equalised...humph!

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