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it a quiet one tonight folks? why don't ..

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Bobbisox | 22:32 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
64 Answers
Those from down Sarf say something they like/dislike about the Norveners and visa versa

I like the Suvveners weather coz it's better than mine!


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suezy if you can get someone to do this research for me that would be great. I don't mind putting the details on here.....I hardly think anyone is going to trace me from my great-great-grandparents.
Craft do you have Bobbisox's, lardhelmet or ttfns email? I could get your email address off them?
No I'm not in email contact with anyone on here.........:-)
Hi Craft, sorry, I signed out last night, was wrecked.
What organizations have you been in contact with?

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it a quiet one tonight folks? why don't ..

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