best thing is to go t bed with a smile on your face and wake up with it still there Bobbi...I'm having a glass of red, as per usual. Just dont rise to any bait Bobbi, and if anyone says anything to inflame you just ignore it, sure fire way to pi$$ folk off if you ignore their's easy really xxx
yes I did 4get, swearing like that wasn't necessary and I don't do it as a rule, I felt bad about it, but then I felt bad all day yesterday, my friend has two weeks to live and my Mum died on the 16th of June..
bobbi ♥
Morning Bobbi, my sympathies as well. Memories are a mixture of good and bad and when we reminisce it sometimes hurts especially when it brings a tear to ones eye.
Have fond memories but don't forget you have a loving family around you now as well because they are here in the present and will always be there for you ! x
it was somewhat exasipated yesterday red, but no one knew then so ....
and you are right of cause, no tears today,,,and hey, I didn't flounce either...aint that good..LOL