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Odd Jobs

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baden-baden | 07:47 Fri 18th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Have just made a list of thing to do. Twelve already & counting !


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But will you do them? Or will you lose the list?
I am very good at making lists.
Less good at doing more than 1 or 2 things on them...
was counting them number 1 on the list?
Stop,,,, go lie down in a darkened room, you are setting yourself up to fail if you don't complete them and that is not good for you.....
Have you included something nice to do for yourself....

no I thought not....

redo list with the most important jobs on plus a treat.... if you can put on a 5 minute job you can tick off quickly you will feel so much less frazzled.....
I love your postman pat avatar bibble x
How long have you got to do these jobs BB? - an hour, a day, month, a lifetime?
I always manage to lose lists, it seems I accidently on purpose put them in the bin, oops!


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