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may as well get them in, What is it about cats that female Abers love?

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Bobbisox | 07:36 Wed 23rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
64 Answers
Are me and Salla in the minority here? for thinking
there are not many doggie avs, yet trillions of pussys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bobbi ♥


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I love cats and dogs!
Miss all mine that i had to rehome :-(

Vibra, my cats were going to get a cat towers! Floor to ceiling thingy that was huge! Just as well we didnt get it really as I then split with my ex and only got to keep 2 of my 7 little ones.
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Have a great day everyone
bye for now x
I love my cat because he's a little savage. He does pretty much what he wants when he wants. He acts like he needs no-one and nothing but then asks to be loved!

He talks to me regular and makes silly little noises all the time, he insists on being rubbed/scratched so hard that he falls over and loves it. He sits in the bath for no apparent reason. And as said before they judge people well, he knows instantly whether he likes you or not and if not then he will not tolerate you one bit. He attacks you for reason at all (in a play fight way), and he wakes me virtually every morning by laying on my chest and nuzzling my face.

He's just awesome, I like him more than I like most people. I have also had awesome dogs, but dogs take up a lot of time and that's something I generally don't have much of.

I love people names for pets btw!
Cats ???

Yuck !

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may as well get them in, What is it about cats that female Abers love?

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