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They're all drunk as newts, Bobbi: to comatose to respond:)
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looks like it
Hi bobbi,what a brilliant choice.
United we stand !

Kind regards dg x
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I was gona put Land of Hope and Glory, but I needed something with England in there
still think L.O.H.A.G should be our National anthem, to restore some pride in us
Bobbi ♥
did englandshire win at morris dancing or something? Enter URL
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nowt worse that sour grapes
So many people sooo happy.... we were better but not that good....potentially Germany in the next round then if we get past them most likely Argentina....Anyone still feel we can win the World cup.....
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no I don't sadly, as I have said im my other thread, they were knackered!

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There always be an England ♪♪♪

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