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sometimes prayers are answered....

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stokemaveric | 17:56 Wed 23rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
well done lads a good display against an average side,but it is a confidence booster...onwards and upwards...bring on germany on sunday....


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yes - hopefully all these non-questions about the World Cup will end up in the sports section, where they should be - unless of course football isn't a sport anymore
brilliant wasn't it stoke, very tense and exciting but they defended well in that last 15 minutes.
Maybe your question should be Spirituality section... by lardhelmet's reckoning.

However great game, team played well and erm a GOAL! much, much much better from England.
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lardhelmet if you look at the heading i think you will find its CHATTERbank,i can CHATTER about the price of frozen peas in tesco to the size of jordans t"ts if i so wish,yes dot it was a great game...bring on the germans lol....
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agree 1005 hogsbody that was a great confidence booster...
Will be almost
as nervous watching the Germany game tonight.
positive stuff. We brought the ball forward and kept chipping away at them. Their GK was pretty good. Joe Cole didnt do it for me, was expecting more. Be nice to see Crouch have a game, especially with all the corners we won.

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sometimes prayers are answered....

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