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bigfoot3000 | 23:37 Wed 23rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Has anyone ever played this? Do people still play this?


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actually bad light stopped play on my lawn tonight....
I believe John Prescott does.
One played a game today before one practised lawn tennis..what what
Not sure I quoit know to what you make reference there bf (;-))
Yes indeed Elvis. The Wimbledon Tennis Chamionships are actually played at the grounds of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club.
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So its outdated now? What about Boules? As I kid they used to have a Boules lawn/club at my local park at the time, maybe it's still there?
we have a set at home, gets a bit nasty when the alcohol is boules on the lawn too Please keep the avatar craft, much kinder on the eyes
Oh, I thought you meant those potato things. Was going to say they're gross.

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