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What's he wierdest dream you've ever had?

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mollykins | 21:57 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Mine was where I dreamt I went on holiday to Cornwall and stayed in a house exactly like mine, but snakes were coming in out of the walls, literally, as if the walls were liquid.


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well this morning i woke up so upset cos...dreamt i'd gone on hol to a gorgeous island (with a whole tour group) and my mum and brother dissapeared without a trace, (as in abducted by aliens!!!)
i think hallucinations spring to mind here not dreams lol....
I dreamt, as a child, about my brother and sister being led away by Polar bears. I knew the polar bears were going to eat them, but I was powerless to stop it from happening. Weird.
Freud would have fun with that one Molly!
Was that not a recent Dr Who storyline Molly.
me and my little sis were cooking humans and like when mum used to do a chicken roast i bagsied the skin
In all of the dreams that I can remember I've always remained male and white, with the exception of one dream where I was a black police sergeant in the Caribbean! I'm still waiting for a dream where I'm female ;-)
i had a terrible nightmare my son fell of a bridge into quicksand and all the passers by was ignoring my pleas for help
When I was young I had the same dream three nights running.

Basically, it was as if gravity was reversed and I had to hold onto the ground to avoid falling up into the sky...
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Micmak, I think that's what reminded me to ask about other peoples' wierd dreams.

Last night i dreamt i didn't go to my second religious studies exam. I was thinking 'oh sh1t, I'll have a fail grade on the certificate i'll have to show anyone cos it's got my grades from science aswell,' If it was with an examboard I did no other subjects with, i think i'd rather say i didn't so a rs exam at all than show a fail.
I once dreamt I was eating a giant marshmallow and when I woke up, my pillow had gone.

I once dreamt I was giving a speech to a packed room and when I woke up, I found I was.

(c) 1895 Oliver Hardy
My weirdest dream was living as a Trout in your Fish Tank . Your Mum fished me out and cooked me in your Microwave for Dinner. No wonder you are putting on weight molly ! It's only a Dream mind !
The weirdest one I couldn't possibly repeat on here - it's just too disgusting and bizarre, and people already think I'm mad as it is.
I have the usual teeth falling out dream - and often dream I have extreme constipation or diarrhoea.
A recurrent one in my late teens was having to crawl over an iron bridge on my hands & knees while everyone else was rushing over it quite normally - all aiming to get on a big ship before it sailed.
I did dream analysis during my psychology course - so know what most of them mean. But the weirdest one which I can't repeat, well - that doesn't bear thinking about.
Sexy dreams again salla ! They are usually the nicest :-))
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redman . . . . . .

salla, can you enlighten us as to what any of ours mean?
Ive got this notion .As yet to be proved .The theory is that you dream about what you think about at a particular time of the day .As you get older the later on in the day it is .Im at 4 o clock in the after noon (nearly 40) Now it could be the drink but thats my theory
standing in a large room, usually my old sixth form common room watching tornadoes outside, and tsunami waves coming towards me but I know I am safe whereI am , also crows flying at the window and when i leave the building a crow follows me, and I used to feel very threatened by it.... finally quite recently in the dream I met a dark man and i recognised him as the crow....I challenged him and he turned back to a crow and flew I have positive crow dreams and accept crows as symbols of transition....a native american website suggested the crow was my 'totem animal' and I would eventually find my role as helping people through transitions as the crow is a 'shapeshifter'.... couldn't be something sexy like a vampire or werewolf...had to be a tatty oversized blackbird
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Weecalf, i think most dreams may have reference to something you did/saw/felt etc during the day, but I thought it was random.

how perculiar rowan.

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