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i won

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slinky.kate | 11:04 Thu 24th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
i won an isklar tote bag worth £95,a limited edition only 100 were made,my first win for a while,maybe my luck is changing


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Well done Katy, its a nice feeling to win isn't it?
Fab, Kate !

Question Author
gawd,the bags nearly bigger than me
Very nice it looks too, don't fill it up or you will never carry it.
Can we all rub your head whilst betting on the world cup and buying a lottery ticket slinky?
well done,2 more on way!
oooh, well done, slinky-kate. I haven't won anything for ages, despite going in for loads of competitions .....
Are you sure chokkie? Check your email as I have found I have won several large lotteries and Inheritances despite having never entered any lottery games in "Togo" Or "Papua New Guinea" or having any Nigerian relatives!
Good on ya Kate :)
well done kate

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