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re my biscuit thread...I have bought some more...hold down the excitement folks:-0)

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Bobbisox | 15:27 Thu 24th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

and a bottle of vodka, and I havn't touched a drop yet, but I will tonight...LOL, if I feel the need to :0p

Bobbi x


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Are you offering me a finger Bobbi?
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splutter...pmsl@salla x
Rich tea?

Don't choke my lovely......!
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a finger of fudge...maybe..ha-ha
Mmmm.... tempting. x
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I felt quite happy ...till I saw the terrible Molly was having...:-(
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Terrible? The girl doesn't know the meaning of the word terrible. Or peculiar :-)
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girl/boy/woman/man..Mr V
10/10 for entertainment value sall..LOL
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nope, one or two frig rolls to use tho'!
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but didn'y ya know

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only when I am in my straight-jacket
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will later, then I will rock....and roll!
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you missed the 'r' out !

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re my biscuit thread...I have bought some more...hold down the excitement folks:-0)

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