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heres one for y'all, were you a Teddy Boy/Girl, a Mod or a Rocker/Biker, a Goth?

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Bobbisox | 20:00 Thu 24th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
I was a Mod in the 60s, I thought I was so cool riding around on my Motor Scooter



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Mine didn't. he had a corduroy jacket.
Austin Reed had much to answer for.. lol
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posh -tart...LOL
didn't they have a distinctive whiff about them?
Wasn't around in the 60's but I was a headbanger in the early 80's!
I was a goth - lived in black. Still do so but that's out of necessity now rather than choice!

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heres one for y'all, were you a Teddy Boy/Girl, a Mod or a Rocker/Biker, a Goth?

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