when you were a youngster...we bit of drinking cider with the mates?? house party?? smoking ?? were u grounded!?? or a good slap lol...or were you all BRILL behaved and it was just me who was bad!! (sometimes)
Well you already know Elder Boo's story, but me? I never got caught. Not quite sure how i got away with drinking in pubs and clubs underage, but I did!
I remember peeling my woodchip wallpaper off in great big strips when i was about 5 in my bedroom. I told my mum, when she asked what happened that "i was just looking at it, and it fell off".
lol prudie
naaaa, playing with London Lights...anyone recall them?
rolled up newspaper, sitting in the yard where we had an outside lavvy..ha-ha
stuck the rolls of newspaper in the wooden slots, I wouldn't care but it was probably used for toilet paper at the time !
My son as a teen-ager was a Git, no other word for him I'm afraid....
Now well past his teens he's a "TeddyBear"
My twin brother was a "Teddy-Boy" used to wear the full gear.
Me? I was a shy little thing. But I've changed.